
16-19 September 2021

1st Call for papers

Dear Colleagues,

The Department of Modern Greek Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, is pleased to announce the 15th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, which will be held in Belgrade, 16-19 September 2021.

ICGL is a biennial meeting, held since 1993, that focuses on all aspects of the linguistic study and analysis of Greek.

The conference invites contributions to any field of Greek Linguistics (including, but not limited to: applied linguistics, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, dialectology, discourse analysis, historical linguistics, language teaching, lexicography, lexicology, morphology, neurolinguistics, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, semantics, sociolinguistics, syntax).

Invited Speakers

  • Prof. Zoe Gavriilidou, Democritus University of Thrace
  • Prof. Costas Canakis, University of the Aegean
  • Prof. Eleni Karantzola, University of the Aegean
  • Associate Prof. Stavroula Tsiplakou, Open University of Cyprus

Abstract submission

Those who wish to participate in ICGL15 with either an oral presentation or a poster are invited to submit their abstract by 15th January 2021 through the EasyChair platform at the address provided below. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 31st March 2021. The languages of the conference are Greek and English. Presentations should be 20 minutes long, followed by a 10-minute discussion. The abstract should not exceed 500 words, excluding references.

Abstract submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icgl15

Multiple presentations policy

Each author may submit up to two abstracts: either one single-authored and one co-authored or two co-authored.


Information about registration, accommodation, traveling etc., is being uploaded at the conference’s website: www.fil.bg.ac.rs/icgl15. For any queries, please, contact us at: icgl15@fil.bg.ac.rs

Faculty of Philology, Department of Modern Greek Language © 2025 | Built by Aleksandar Popović